Once in a while, for no apparent reason, you may encounter the SPOD (Spinning Pinwheel of Death).n this case, your Mac is trying to think but nothing happens, so the pinwheel keeps spinning, and spinning, and spinning. Luckily, the SPOD is rarely a sign that your Mac is crashed. It’s more likely that a single…
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How Do Spammers Get Your Email Address?
If you’ve ever wondered how spammers get your email address, you’re not alone. There are five ways that spammers harvest people’s email addresses. Spammers will illegally buy lists of real people’s email addresses. Spammers will use “harvesting” programs that scour the Internet like Google and copy any text that contains the “@” character. Spammers will…
Read MoreHow to Backup IMAP Emails Using MS Outlook? (Rogers or Bell)
If you’re living in Canada, most likely one of your email accounts is got to be with Rogers or Bell or Shaw. It is a wise decision to configure your IMAP account with Outlook. But do you know how to backup your IMAP data from Outlook? Backup IMAP Data from Outlook When you configure Outlook…
Read MorePetya Ransomware - What you should know and how to prevent it
How it started When WannaCry hit, the news sent shivers down the world. Reports of hospital outages and super secret tools used by the NSA (Equation Group) that could hack into any version of Windows was released to the public. During this period of time, the community warned of more waves were soon to come.…
Read MoreWhat is Ransomware?
As the research conducted by one of the big American automotive brands reveals – more than eighty percent of all cars are not getting proper maintenance, leave washing and cleaning alone. The frightening thing about these high numbers is that when so many cars are being neglected by their owners, nationwide, some new car-maintenance culture…
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